The What

I work with smart, exemplary people who are looking to make an impact in the work that they do. I love to help clients “un-freeze” and:

  • Take meaningful steps toward a first job

  • Change their professional focus or industry

  • Pursue a professional position after time focusing on family

  • Tackle a big mid-life shift using decades of experience to do something with extra meaning

The How

I am a world-class solution finder and have an innate ability to help identify the best in people so that they can recognize it, fuel it, harness it and pursue a professional path that aligns with their best skills and strengths. I have the best coaching training in the business and have created and used my own tools and methodology to work with clients in person and via zoom video. We typically meet every two weeks in sixty to ninety minute sessions, mapping out the right steps to open professional windows and doors of exploration and to deliver ROI in terms of time and investment.

The Who

My clients are all already successful whether as college graduates or early, mid or later career professionals. They range from; clean energy CFO, to helicopter pilot, to film student, to wicked-smart fund-raising PTA parent, to Wall Street investment banker, to overwhelmed recent college graduate. What they all have in common is a theme of wanting to bring more good and impact into their jobs, their teams, their lives, their world.


You build a whole life, to do certain things. Ramsay helped me take the blocks and put them together.” These words are those of my client, whose small business took off too fast. Together we drilled down to be sure of what was really important to her…. However, these words also say it all for me. I’ve built and learned and layered for my whole life so that I can do more good and support others as they work toward their own good and professional satisfaction and impact.

— Ramsay


The Why

I do this work because I can….wow, it feels good to say that. I had been dreaming and imagining my own significant career shift for years. Life’s realities, my own confusion about how to unravel and where to start the process and lack of an accountability partner meant that it took a while……….But, I knew it was in me and I wanted to help create more good, more impact and more meaning.

The Path (or The Creds)

I’m an ICF and Hudson Institute certified ACC Coach. I graduated from Northwestern University and could have used a career coach at that time….I worked and lived in Chicago, Hong Kong, Seattle and Boulder. I worked in global sales for 20+ years with clients such as Amazon, Costco, Home Depot. I used to sell products – I now help people sell their skills and strengths for greater impact and satisfaction.

The Weekends

I love hanging out and laughing with my family. Hiking in any mountains and cross-country skiing make me happy and I have dreams of competing with my dog in those crazy agility courses.



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